Kulkijan Mietteet (walkers words)

'Kulkijan Mietteet' has now been installed into the metsagallaria in Koli National Park with thanks to the help and cheerful company of Liisa Tommila

'Kulkijan Mietteet' (walkers words) is a map incorporating the words and thoughts of those who live, work and walk in Koli; their words meet and cross paths with those of others. In this map ideas and daydreams follow lanes, paths, streams and ski routes: Stories and imagination become part of the landscape as their words meander through the Koli National Park, village and neighbouring land. The words know no boundaries; they simply go as far as the thoughts take them.

During the summer of 2015 contributions of over 150 sentences were received and incorporated in to the map. A massive thank-you to all.

'Kulkijan Mietteet' follows the series of drawings and mappings titled  “You are Here “ and “Lost Maps” which were created for the Koli Environmental Festival 2014: (Ympäristötaidefestivaalilla); Viewers were encouraged to consider staying a while, allowing themselves to be lost in the moment and alone with their thoughts. And now those who find themselves looking for direction will have the delight of staying to read and take guidance from the musings and meanderings of 'Kulkijan Mietteet' .

KOLI Ympäristötaidefestivaalilla 2015 has been a deserved success. It has been a privilege to be involved and work in such generous company and beautiful environment. Kiitos.
